Our orders are shipped and delivered on business days (Monday through Friday, excluding major holidays). We kindly ask that you anticipate 3-5 business days for standard shipping. Standard Shipping Charges apply.

Orders to Alaska, Hawaii, and the US Virgin Islands take 6 to 8 business days. Please select the shipping option that best suits your delivery needs during “Checkout.”

We will be happy to ship outside the US. APO orders will be shipped via Smartpost. Please anticipate a 4 to 6 week delivery. Standard shipping charges apply.

If priority shipping is selected upon check-out, you will be notified if one or more of your products are not eligible and the entire order will be shipped via ground shipping.

If you wish to unsubscribe from our Customer Registry, you may edit your profile under Your Account or simply click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email we have sent you.


We process orders Monday through Friday in the order in which they are received. Orders placed after 12:00PM EST (Noon) M-Th and 11am EST Friday will not be processed until the next business day.

If you want to check the status of your order, please use the tracking number included in your shipping confirmation email. If you have questions about your order, please call us at 1- or email us at and we would be happy to assist you.


If you need to change an order you have already placed, please email us at To expedite your request, please have your order confirmation number available. We will always do our best to accommodate your needs.


If your order is missing a product, contains a damaged item, or other concern, please contact us at To expedite your request, please have your order confirmation number available. We will always do our best to accommodate your concern as efficiently as possible.


Should you ever buy anything from us that is not pleasing to you, you may return any of our products, to the original point of purchase, for a full 100% money-back guarantee.

Customers who purchase products from OZOVITA’s website may return them by mail. Please call for more details. Items purchased in a  free-standing store may be returned to any of the free-standing stores.  products purchased in all other locations must be returned to their original point of purchase.

For our bookkeeping purposes, we respectfully request that you include the sales receipt and/or invoice with any return. If you buy OZOVITA’s products from unauthorized retailers or other unauthorized sources, we regret that we cannot offer you our money-back guarantee or otherwise assist you with any problems that you may encounter.

If you should need further information regarding the return of any products, please do not hesitate to call us at , and it would be our pleasure to assist you however we could.


We will be pleased to ship your order anywhere in the world.
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